Customer Care
View a copy of the Code of Consumer Rights and Responsibilities.
Pafco Insurance Company distributes insurance products and services through specially selected and licensed insurance brokers. These brokers are under contract with Pafco and are required to provide professional advice and service to their customers in addition to facilitating the purchase of appropriate coverage to meet their clients' insurance needs.
In return for this service, contracted brokers are compensated on a commission basis. Brokers are required to disclose to their customer their commission earnings on any given policy if and when requested.
The commissions paid by Pafco Insurance Company to brokers are as follows:
- Auto Insurance: 10% - 15% of the premiums under the policy
Pafco offers brokers additional, annual contingent commission based on continuous profit and growth.
All brokers contracted to distribute Pafco insurance products and services are expected to select products and services that reflect the best interests of their customers. At Pafco we are proud of our commitment to independent brokers in Canada.
Pafco has no direct or indirect ownership interest in, or corporate affiliation with, any insurance brokerage, nor does it have any other financial links with any brokerages, such as outstanding loans or credit facilities.