Fraudulent Text Messages | November 17, 2021
It has come to our attention that fraudulent text messages are being sent under our name. Some individuals and customers may have received a text citing premium is due and to call a phone number. Please note, these are not authorized text messages, we do not send text messages to customers.
We take these types of scams very seriously and we have reported this fraudulent activity to the appropriate authorities. We recommend that any individual who receives a text should advise their broker and should NOT follow the instructions accompanying these fraudulent messages.
Depositing Pafco’s Stay at Home Payment Cheque | August 18, 2021
It has come to our attention that some customers received cheques with their full name cut off. This has caused concern about whether the cheques can be cashed. We’d like to let you know that cheques presenting this way should be cashable and can be deposited in one of three ways:
- Deposit at your automated banking machine.
- Online cheque deposit (with image/picture of front and back of the signed cheque).
- Visit your local branch to deposit or cash your cheque.
Additional Stay at Home Payment Announced | May 31, 2021
Today, Pafco is announcing another Stay at Home Payment. All customers who have an active automobile and/or motorcycle policy with us as of June 30, 2021 and whose account is in good standing will qualify to receive this payment. This payment will be automatically sent to Customers in August. See the full details here.
Stay at Home Payment Updated FAQs | May 31, 2021
What is the Stay at Home Payment?
It's a payment to our personal auto insurance customers, the latest in a number of relief measures offered by Pembridge to help customers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Why was it created?
It's simply the right thing to do.
It is our attempt to compensate customers for the restrictions, changing business practices and financial burden imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our customers are staying at home to help prevent the spread of the virus and care for themselves and their families. As a result, customers are driving less and filing fewer claims. We remain committed to putting our customers first and supporting them with strength, experience and care. Our Stay at Home Payment is part of that commitment to you.
Who received the first Stay at Home Payment?
Customers who had an active automobile policy with us as of April 8, 2020 qualified to receive a stay at home payment from us in May, 2020. This payment applied to personal automobiles such as cars and SUVs (recreational vehicles such as motorcycles and snowmobiles did not qualify.) If you had an active policy with us as of April 8, 2020 and did not receive your Stay at Home Payment cheque by June 15, 2020 please contact your broker to confirm your address or email stayathomepayment@pembridge.com
Who received the second Stay at Home Payment?
All customers who had an active automobile policy with us as of July 6, 2020 and whose account was in good standing (account is not overdue) qualified to receive this payment. All personal automobiles such as cars and SUVs qualify, including motorcycles. Recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles are excluded. If you had an active policy with us as of July 6, 2020 and did not receive your Stay at Home Payment cheque by September 15, 2020 please contact your broker to confirm your address or email stayathomepayment@pembridge.com
How can I qualify for the third Stay at Home Payment?
All customers who have an active automobile policy with us as of June 30, 2021 and whose account is in good standing (account is not overdue) will qualify to receive this payment. All personal automobiles such as cars and SUVs will qualify, including motorcycles. Recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles are excluded. There is no need to call in to request or qualify for this payment, a cheque will automatically be mailed to all qualifying customers.
What do I need to do to get the Stay at Home Payment?
A cheque will automatically be mailed to all customers who qualify. There is no need to call in to request or receive the payment.
How much is the payment?
Each customer who qualifies for the Stay at Home Payment will receive a payment amount equal to 25% of 1/12th of their annualized personal automobile or motorcycle premium on June 30, 2021, (inclusive of all policy changes made prior to this date.) Please note that there is no payment for home or other miscellaneous vehicles.
When will I receive this payment?
All customers who qualify for the third stay at home payment can expect to receive a cheque in the mail in August. There is no need to call in to request or receive the payment.
Can the payment be applied directly to my policy?
No. All customers who qualify can expect to receive a cheque via mail in August 2021.
Are you giving payments for other lines of insurance?
No. While we are seeing a reduction of kilometers driven and claims filed for personal vehicles since the pandemic, we are not seeing a similar trend in our other lines of business such as home insurance.
Does my vehicle need to carry specific coverage to qualify for the Stay at Home Payment, such as liability coverage?
No, all customers who have an active automobile policy with us as of June 30, 2021, and are in good standing, will qualify to receive this payment regardless of the type of coverage you have on your vehicle (this includes vehicles with suspended or parked coverage).
If I made a change to my coverage such as parking my vehicle, how is the payment calculated?
The Stay at Home payment amount is based on a customer’s monthly premium amount in force on June 30, 2021. If the coverage change occurred before this date the payment will be calculated based on the adjusted annual premium. If the change occurs after June 30, 2021, the payment will be calculated based on the annual premium. .
I cancelled my auto policy prior to June 30, 2021 will I still be eligible for the Stay at Home Payment?
To qualify for the Stay at Home Payment, a customer must have an active automobile insurance policy with us on June 30, 2021 and have an account in good standing. Customers who cancelled their policies prior to this date will not be eligible.
Can you direct deposit my Stay at Home Payment?
We are working to get these payments issued to our customers as quickly as possible. Sending the payment by cheque is a preferred method, as it will get the money into the hands of customers as quickly as possible.
How long do I have to deposit my cheque?
We encourage you to cash your cheque at your earliest opportunity as cheques are considered stale dated after 6 months and may be refused by your financial institution.
Can you forward my cheque to a different address?
The cheque will be sent to the address on your policy. If your address has changed, please contact your Broker before June 30, 2021 to ensure we send this payment to the correct address.
If you wish to redirect your mail, please contact your postal service.
Will I continue to receive the Stay at Home Payment for the duration of the pandemic?
We are continually reviewing our offerings to customers to find additional creative and tailored solutions that can help relieve the financial burden caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
I did not get my third Stay at Home Payment cheque, what should I do?
If you have an active automobile policy with us as of June 30, 2021 and do not receive your Stay at Home Payment cheque by Sept 15, 2021, please contact your broker to confirm your mailing address or email stayathomepayment@pembridge.com