Industry Information
Do you know what insurance fraud looks like?
Learn how to protect yourself from becoming an innocent accomplice
Sometimes it’s a highly coordinated scheme designed to siphon funds into the pockets of criminals. Other times, it’s an average person taking what they perceive as an opportunity to improve their own circumstances in a way they may think “doesn’t really hurt anybody”. Whatever form fraud takes, fraud costs all Canadians.
Learn more about insurance fraud and what you can do to protect yourself.
Insurance Fraud Alert
The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) has received reports from a number of industry sources concerning fraudulent telephone calls being made to policyholders.
The callers typically claim to be from the policyholder’s insurance company and demand the immediate payment of the full term premium or an outstanding amount on the client’s policy, via credit card. The caller threatens to cancel the customer’s policy if a payment is not received.
Pembridge customers are not immune to this situation, which is why we want to ensure our customers and consumers alike are aware of this potential threat to their personal information and financial security. As a Pembridge customer, if a policy is in jeopardy of cancelling due to an overdue or outstanding payment we will issue a legally required registered notice of cancellation.
Employees from our Head Office will not personally contact policyholders by phone to request credit card information.
Pembridge strongly encourages customers to:
- Protect their personal and financial information. Do not provide any information unless they have independently verified the identity of the person you are dealing with.
- Report this form of fraud. Write down as much information as possible, including originating phone number, and forward this information to their broker and call the IBC Tips Line at 1-877-IBC-TIPS.
- Further protect themselves by contacting the local authorities or Phonebusters (The Canadian Anti-Fraud Call Centre) at 1-888-495-8501 or 1-705-495-8501
Are you a distracted driver?
The Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) has launched a public education campaign designed to remind drivers to avoid distractions while operating their vehicle. Learn more about what you can do to make the roads in your community safe.
Take the time to report insurance crime
The next time you renew your policy, at least 15% of what you pay will go to cover fraudulent insurance claims. Call toll-free 1.877.IBC.TIPS or submit a tip online to the Insurance Bureau of Canada.
Email fraud phishing for your personal information
Verify before you buy! Be aware of the ongoing practice of email spam using recognized company names and trade marks for what pretends to be legitimate requests for your personal and financial information.
Where does your insurance premium go?
Insurance companies are regulated by provincial governments on what premium can be charged to consumers for auto insurance. There are a numbers of factors and facts that affect your premium price...